I found this secret chest while going through Bleak Falls Temple and was just curious about some cobwebs that i've went by about 50+ times. So to find this chest you need to go to the skeleton, before the battle with the wounded spider ( also an easy way to kill the spider is to use the paralysis poison and the fireball scroll) and cut the weds in front of the skeleton and Ta Da hidden chest. Now whats in the chest will matter to your character level. For a hidden tresure map in Riverwood go straight north from leaving Helgen and kill the bandits over the little hill. The archer should have a map you NEED to find the chest or else it wont appear. Also if you head to Anise cabin you will met a random event on the path to the tower, sometimes it will be skeletons (very rare), a scavenger, theif, bard that gives a quest (no bounty for attacking or picking his pocket), a cook, a dead bouncer surounded by pit wolves, mages, a running kidnapped women, Ma'j the Lair (pick his pocket there will be no bounty for that or attacking him),and many more and every day they will change which is a nice way for stuff and possible leveling. When you go to her cabin kill her right away or pick her pocket first for easy leveling no bounty given because she will kill you when you come out of that cellar and don't wait till she night for her to sleep because she doesn't. Please leave a comment if you find any other facts or secrets andif this helped.