Thats easy you attack windhelm first an show those sons of skyrim that if your going to call yourself one you better be able to fight like one or you will die like every other son an daughter
Thats easy you attack windhelm first an show those sons of skyrim that if your going to call yourself one you better be able to fight like one or you will die like every other son an daughter
I guess it depends on how far you fast travel. If it exceeds the "reanimation time" then they should arrive dead at least.
I use the dead thrall master level conjuration spell. They dont disolve into a pile of ash when killed. They go into battle with you, someone kills them, I reanimate them over and over and over again.
Evil undead must stick together. Read my signature.
Well yeah, that's normal. i'm talking about the ritual stone though.
Good. I'm glad to see mortal kind still has it's exceptional few. Together, we will be unstoppable!
Indeed. Now if only you console players could kill Valdar... Sigh... Will have to make due with what's available though. If any of you promise to act in my name... I will look the other way if you kill me and wear or at least carry around my mask as inspiration. You can just role-play that I corrupt you and speak to you through the mask or something lol.
Good... Soon...
Possibly... if the two of you play your cards right.
For the record you can also use the Ritual stone on giants.
I've had 4 before.
So, the UESP says the zombies only last one hour of in game time before they go back to being dead bodies. Sounds like yours are lasting longer than that. How long would you say the zombies are staying animated for you?
I have to admit the Steed Stone is my usually choice, and the Ritual Stone power is just kept in that crown for special occasions, but I think I raised all I needed except for the large group of Dawnguard and the Ebony Warrior which were too powerful. My main game is enough by itself to run, add a large group of thralls some of which conjured up other things and it ended up a slide show. I was only using the power to get a large group of thralls home so I could keep them in my House of Horrors. But my original character can not travel anywhere without being attacked all the time, so it took a while to get them all home, and there was a lot of fighting.
The fighting I prefer to do alone, although Ulfric would be handy if you needed some help.
No, they just stay where you left them, which is why I had to travel the long way to Markarth, by walking. I used Dead Thrall on all those I could, and fast traveled home with each one. Then collected the others from various locations with the Ritual Stone power and stored them under the Whiterun bridge with the two cultists Dragonborn added. I eventually had everyone I could collect and raised them all and walked home with that lot.
The only problem I had was when they all dropped again, some dropped outside the radius of the spell, when when that first happened i counted them up and realized I was missing a couple, and had to go back and try again. I ended up collecting them all into a heap and raising them again each time with the ritual stone, I wanted them all to reach home. The weapons left lying all over the place magically returned to their owners.