Some may have noticed that I've been whining about certain problems in my current run through...well, here's the story, and the latest 'things'....
This was a fresh start game, all patched out, long-term mods installed that have been stable both in this run-through and others.
I started from fresh, did the first bit up to the main quest, but not progressing to the Blades component, and therefore not triggering the full main quest...I then did DG, then Solstheim, then, I've come back and progressed through the main questline and am now doing the civil war quest.
Firstly, quest activations - apparently this run through, the civil war quest needs a three day gap between talking to npc X then talking to npc Y (i.e. Tullius then Rikke), even though Y is standing next to X. I guess my Legion is pedantic about R&R and soldiers getting their downtime *shrug...
Dragons, ahhh, yes, the dragons...
At first, there was a drought..didn't matter where I was or what I did, no or few dragons...
However, since I offed Alduin, it doesn't matter where I go, I get dragons...all sorts of dragons, all over the place, but, and this is a real cracker for npc survivability, I get dragons in cities...not just riverwood, or the village type cities, but in the big places. So far, I've killed two or three in Whiterun (in fact there's a dead dragon that flops around all over the place inside the walls there), but I've also killed around five inside Solitude - one in the marketplace, three up in the castle dour courtyard, and two down along the path to the blue palace, and if there isn't a dragon that comes inside the walls, it's because I killed it outside of the front gate. The last six trips to solitude I've had a dragon turn up every time.
If I fast travel near a dragon spawn point, the dragon with spawn. At one point, I stood on a hill out on the Whiterun tundra, and I had 3 dragons in view in different directions.
Apparently, after killing Alduin, there is more of a dragon problem than ever..
Just thought I'd share this little gem of a run through...