Should I get Dawnguard and ruin my mood?

Post » Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:28 am

I consider myself a lucky Xbox Skyrim player: apart from some bugs (the usual ones) my character has gone up to level 56 without broken quests nor major glitches; I get a freeze sometimes, but no more than one every 10-15 hours of gameplay.

I've found Dragonborn a good DLC and I've managed to complete it without any particular problem and with a limited amount of "reload to do the quest in the less buggy way" procedure.

My question is:should I get Dawguard?

I'm craving for "MOAR SKYRIIIIIM!" but I'm also afraid of ruin my experience installing a bug factory in a sandbox which is always on the verge of collapsing (the joy of not getting the "Find 20/20 Jazbay" stuck on my journal is almost priceless). I've read some stuff around, mainly on the uesp and the wiki, but I prefer to hear about first hand experiences.

P.S. It's funny that every TES game has to be treated like a frail child to be played without screaming for anger :D .

P.P.S. I've kept my fingers crossed writing this, I'm scared of running out of luck.

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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:51 am

Actually, the bug factory is called Hearthfire.

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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:30 pm

I find it alright. Just be sure to avoid traveling to cities by night.

If you do, Fast Travel to the Stables, wait until 9am, save, then enter the city.
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David Chambers
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