Mine is Ebony Mail, heavy and dragonscale for light.
Mine is Ebony Mail, heavy and dragonscale for light.
I have to say that I'm surprised Hev, how can you like the Traitors armor? He betrayed you and your kin, your lords and everything that you held dear. That would be like your Snow Prince saying he preferred Wuuthrad
Oh and I like whatever suits my character best, which is something different for each one
light: dawnguard, heavy: steel plated
anyone have suggestion for good looking armor combos? not necessarily mix beetwen light and heavy, but any combo
It's funny. Because that character previously:
Drinking Hevnoraak's holy http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/576740855282364873/AC22934877600C4D8F1814726DDD38F29DDD90DD/
He lives on http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/576740413784873805/202BB27EEDA551FD732ED8DB3AB55CC7736A15E6/
In other words.... I killed myself to become myself...
HA! Weren't expecting that, WERE YOU VALDAR????
But dat forbidden knowledge...
I prefer heavy because I use the steed stone and get no penalty plus it's weightless.
1. Dawngaurd Heavy Armor, still My personal favorite.
2. Steel Plate, My earlier characters would wear the Boots, Cuirass, and Gauntlets until end of Game.
3. Ancient Nord, Azhidal and His Enchanting.
I love Nordic Carved armor for women.
The thick fur is elegant yet bulky. And the armour has a dark atmosphere. Not to forget the awesome details.
My Necrowarrior used to wear this, but eventually went to Daedric. I love Daedric armor for her especially, because it looks very elegant though intimidating, very Gothic.
Both Nordic Carved and Daedric fits her the best. And Nordic Carved is definitely a favourite, probably Daedric aswell.
My characters always wear light of various types. Tried wearing heavy, but it just doesn't work for me. Now I am on pc and have even more light choices. On xbox it was dragonscale and then Ahzidal's armor.
What blood? He's so dry that he's dusty
I gotta say that the Dragon Priest armor looks pretty boss on a mortal...much better then that freaky tentacle anime Miraak stuff
OT I like the savage look of the Saviors hide for my battleaxe barbarian brute, bonus points for repping the Talos amulet lovely: http://i739.photobucket.com/albums/xx34/lordtru/20121017_231608-1.jpg
Then there's clothes that clip perfectly with armor pieces as in the college robes and scaled bracers, this is what my wizard wears when he's wandering around: http://i739.photobucket.com/albums/xx34/lordtru/20130706_232209_zps3a24fa33.jpg (the amulet unfortunately doesn't clip as nicely but it still suits him).
I don't have a pic yet but I recently took a liking to him wearing the Cultist Robes and Diadem of the Savant (gold ruby circlet) as it looks more befitting of someone of his caliber.