is there an easy way to flip stuff in nifskope?
i'd like to make a FarmhouseLDoor01 into a FarmhouseRDoor01
is there an easy way to flip stuff in nifskope?
i'd like to make a FarmhouseLDoor01 into a FarmhouseRDoor01
Right click on the trishape and edit the transforms,
I don't think you can actually mirror or flip an object in nifskope.
at least i've never seen an option for it,
The main problem i see is that it would have to flip the UVW map as well. and i doubt it would.
So more than likely you'll just have to open the door mesh up in a 3d program, flip it, then open up photoshop or gimp, flip the UVW map and see if it successfully imported the seams. otherwise you'd have to make a new map, im sure you know all this, but i would be interested to know if you could do it in nifskope as well
well it's a two-sided door in some "box"-like exit-thingie, so it'd perfectly do to rotate the door 180° (no problem) and get the opening axis on the other side of the box thingie (big problem), no actual model flipping necessary -
so the actual question probably should have been, how do i flip mr. controller manager sir
hm just had to rotate door model 180° and change controller x48 to x-48.
not checked out in game yet though.
this can impossibly work.
went much too easy
What are you trying to do? you want the door to open from the other side?
to me it looks like you should be able to rotate it to open from either side in the CK.
edit; i have it open in nifskope