I haven't been there or anywhere close to it. I heavily RP and specialize all of my characters. I doubt I will ever see level 70. My current character is using SkyRE with the Community Uncapper. She has the best potential of any so far.
As far as anyone else having all the perk slots filled in... IDK, but I'd guess that others did it within the first week of the release of patch 1.9.
EDIT : The level needed to unlock all perks is what? 250 something?
That's classic.
?I wonder if there is someone out there that will ever really push it to the point of the actual maximum? That is the theoretical calculated max. I'd doubt it will be tested.
That had to have been some sort of hack job. Because you couldn't advance past level 81 prior to patch 1.9, and it was released to the consoles around April 9 of 2013.
I have a character who has hundreds of hours in this game and they are still in the 50's.
Most of my characters get retired by the time they reach level 25 to 35.