problems after completing imperial legion missions

Post » Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:02 pm

i've had 2 problems so far after completing imperial legion quests ,generally after killing ulfric and taking Windhelm , here they are

1.right after I joined the imperials legion i was told to defend whiterun , after doing so , the jarl gave me access to breezehome,i can walk in/out and sleep in bed, but it's not decorated and when i talk to proventus he offers me the house for 5000 gold , it's like he doesn't know that house is already mine and i want to decorate it, there is no decorating option in the dialogue , just the option of purchasing the house . what can be the solution of this ? i don't really wanna waste 5000g.
2. Hadvar keeps following me after i completed all missions of imperial legion , when i try to talk to him , he just gives me random quotes and the dialogue won't open , is there any way to "talk" to him and tell him to leave me alone ( without killing him) ?
and i wanna know are these actually bugs/glitches or do i just need something more to do ?

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Post » Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:44 pm

1. buy the house. money is easily made.

2.go to the inn in Riverwood. if he is in there you can walk/run to whiterun and he wont be following.
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Claudia Cook
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