Activator hitbox not where Creation Kit says it is

Post » Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:37 am

Hi guys, I have a very basic rectangular collision model that I'm trying to use as an activator, but for some reason when it comes to actually testing the game it moves upwards by about half a metre (even though it still functions correctly :S). I've tried comparing the NIF to the other weapon rack activators and there is nothing noticably different that would cause the object to move upwards so much (and the model itself is pretty much at 0,0,0).

Any ideas what might be causing this?

Sorry for the lack of detail - I'm fairly new to this (read: started yesterday) and not sure what information I need to provide. Can upload .nif files if necessary.

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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:28 am

This may not be much help to you as I am new to it myself, but do you have any other mods running that might affect the same area?

I placed a letter between the pages of the book on Farengar's desk to start a quest mod, but a Writing Desk mod I later installed that lets you bind treasure maps and alchemy recipes into book form moves the book to the left, so my letter is just floating slightly above the desk.

Of course, this will not apply if you are using a custom area you have built yourself or have no other mods running.

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Post » Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:56 pm

Nope, no other mods running - just mine. I noticed these collision nifs contain a bhkCompressedMeshShape, and I'm wondering if the collision data is in that rather than the NiTriShape?

EDIT: I just read you can't use custom collision meshes. Is that true?

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