I am bored of warriors, mages, and assassins. Maybe a hybrid of them? Character names, backgrounds, races, etc. Would be appreciated. Looking for some fun thing to do. Werewolf or vampires as well
I am bored of warriors, mages, and assassins. Maybe a hybrid of them? Character names, backgrounds, races, etc. Would be appreciated. Looking for some fun thing to do. Werewolf or vampires as well
I have a bad imagination an am tired of wanting a new character but can't think of anything
Anybody have any other ideas? I am sort of a noob. Bad with names.... I am leaning towards Imperial. Male or female, doesn't matter.Just need something new.
Haven't really been werewolf or vampire. Either would be a new exciting experience. I want uniqueness
You have two threads about the same thing.
Report one of them and ask a moderator to merge them into one thread for you. Also, it is somewhat frowned upon by double posting. The moderators will less apt to confront you if you "EDIT" a previous post rather than posting again in such quick succession when nobody has posted in front of you.
I started a Death Knight over the weekend, which is basically an evil Paladin type. Wears heavy armor, wields a two handed weapon, and summons minions and raises the dead. Uses the ritual stone and has an undead army.
Only does good things if it will be to my benefit. But other than that I dont care who I kill or who gets in my way.