It came to my mind after doing the Dawnguard questline.
Ancient falmer armor
Auri-El's bow (most important weapon for me IMO)
Sunhallowed arrows
I am considering Dawnbreaker for close combat, but not sure.
Auri-el's shield is fitting, but I find it odd to use a shield when you're focused on archery. Not to forget it is heavy, not light.
Skills: ?=not sure
Light armor
Smithing (This is fairly important to make elven arrows to turn into sunhallowed arrows.)
Restoration (?, I am considering this because of the "light" atmosphere. Also, an elven champion might want to stay youthfull regardless of age so that she may do her duty for as long as possible. Restoration could definitely help here. )
Blocking (?, depends if I will go for the shield or not.)
Female bosmer with white hair, slim body. White or yellow warpainting that looks like two suns on the eyes.
Name: Dunno yet. Galadri?l sounds nice.
Dawnguard obviously.
Not sure about the empire or the rebellion, but I am leaning to the rebellion.
Not sure yet. Akatosh might find a champion of an elven god usefull.
Rather stubborn, but always has good motivations.
Tends to underestimate herself.
Full of energy, very active.
Ofcourse Galadri?l won't know about becoming a champion yet. So she will start out as a regular hunter. Maybe with Skaal armor.