What no, ofcourse not.
Hrafna's your loyal maiden, regardless of her morales. Lord Hevnoraak is a true gentleman.
What no, ofcourse not.
Hrafna's your loyal maiden, regardless of her morales. Lord Hevnoraak is a true gentleman.
Do Nordic Carved Warrior next! (A nord of course)
edit: Or just call him the Carved Warrior. Or the Nordic Warrior.
Yep, I have one made.
I also made a Stalhrim Warrior(light). Female Nord for the Stalhrim. Male Nord for Nordic.
I was thinking of pitting the Stalhrim Warrior next, if the Glass fails. And then Dragonscale as the final.
Maybe Nordic Warrior will fight Elven Warrior who is of course, a High Elf... lol Here I go... Dwarven vs Orcish... THE POSSIBILITIES!
A Snow Elf with Ebony Warrior-esque stats and perks is pretty much the Snow Prince... Nord in Ancient Nord with Ebony Warrior stats and perks is basically Ysgramor....
... Snow Prince vs. Ysgramor... Oh boy, here I go...
I'll see what I can cook up. Should I give Ysgramor Yngol's helmet?
What about....
Fur warrior?
Khajiit with full fur armor? Or maybe just a naked khajiit?
lol. The only problem is that there is no Hide/Fur/Leather weapon types...
Nightingale Warrior vs. Dark Brotherhood Warrior...
I should go...
I was actually thinking how I could pull off a Hevnoraak vs. Valdar...
Doesn't really matter. I've already done something similar. Miraak wipes the floor with any dragon Priest one-on-one anyway. Only Ebony Warrior and Karstaag can beat Miraak.
I can just make a Valdar duplicate in the creation kit, and remove his essential tags. I'm just thinking of how to "level" Valdar though.
Yep, Karstaag is the only thing that can best the Ebony Warrior one-on-one.
I'm going to kill Valdar, and I will make it so the battles is in my favor. But I still want it to be interesting.
Anyway, one thing at a time. I haven't even started Glass vs. Ebony Warrior!