Yes, sure, it was rather annoying in Oblivion(though personally, it relatively wasn't that bad, you were used to everyone sounding the same on their particular race), but to be honest with you, I would rather go back to npcs conversing with each other, as stupid or as intriguing as they may be, than to have them not speak to each other, period, if they're not able to play a scripted dialogue...
Plus, it seems Bethesda removed the rumors option from npcs, which is not surprising, but a bit annoying to say the least. I wanted these features improved upon, not completely taken away, and I highly doubt it's because there are different voices now, please do not even bring that up unless you are familiar enough with the Creation Kit to explain why that would be a problem, and even so, I do not see what is so hard about for example, implementing a system in which this npc would use this reply, or these replies, depending on the question, and it could also extend to it's race, if I'm not mistaken, skyrim still has default race voices so certain people sound alike, I do recall that but again, not entirely sure on that one...