In my Helgen Reborn mod, I have an encounter where you exit a cave and are ambushed by my bad guy. For certain people this sequence "hangs" and leaves them stuck. So, I would like to detail how I currently have it scripted and see if you guru's have suggestions on how I can eliminate these hang ups.
So, like I say you exit the cave you enter a trigger that starts a scene for my bad guy. Here are the phases and actions:
Phase 1 - Action Package - Use Magic
Location Near self 150
Spell - Paralyze
Target - Player Ref
Hold when Blocked - False
Cast Time Min - 1.0000
Cast Time Max - 1.0000
Cooldown time Min - 1.0000
Cooldown Time Max - 1.0000
Number to cast min - 1
Number to cast Max - 3
Dual Cast - False
NOTE: This action is where it hangs up for some people. Someone has said there is a problem with the vanilla animation or something with the Paralyze spell. Does anyone know anything about this? Do you see any problems with how I configured the package? When it hangs up, Aerandil just sort of starts jerking and sort of bobbing up and down. (If this hadn't caused me so many headaches it's kind of funny as it looks a bit like he's gett-en' his twerk on!) And since this action does not complete, the scene cannot advance and set the next stage, so they are stuck.
I used a scene for this sequence because he also says, "You are starting to become a nuisance" after he casts the spell, and after the player falls down he tells his men to take you aboard his ship. Then I have a fade to black and teleport.