So, ok, I am planing to start soon as I fininsh my current mage character do do a hunter playtrough maybe, and to do a lot of roleplaying and want a lot of immersion,so what is your favourite immersion mod, and which do you suggest it to me to use, that is very interesting, and that add lot of immersion, I mean from little stuff, like footsteps to a something like Frostfall. Anything at all. Especially if add roleplaying elements.
And I know some of these kinda like mods: Frostfall, Wet&Cold,Footprints,Realisic Needs and Diseases, Hunterborn,iHUD, Alternate Start... can't think of something else at moment.
So what other mods to get along with these, and what do you suggest for me to use it, any kind of immersion mod is welcome.
Mine favourite immesrion mod at momment is Frostfall tough. Would glady see what is your favourite?