Immersion mods

Post » Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:33 pm

So, ok, I am planing to start soon as I fininsh my current mage character do do a hunter playtrough maybe, and to do a lot of roleplaying and want a lot of immersion,so what is your favourite immersion mod, and which do you suggest it to me to use, that is very interesting, and that add lot of immersion, I mean from little stuff, like footsteps to a something like Frostfall. Anything at all. Especially if add roleplaying elements.

And I know some of these kinda like mods: Frostfall, Wet&Cold,Footprints,Realisic Needs and Diseases, Hunterborn,iHUD, Alternate Start... can't think of something else at moment.

So what other mods to get along with these, and what do you suggest for me to use it, any kind of immersion mod is welcome.

Mine favourite immesrion mod at momment is Frostfall tough. Would glady see what is your favourite?

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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:58 am is my favorite sleep mod. Plays the proper animation when going to bed or entering a tent, fades to black and then you get the sleep menu. It's not perfect though, since Hulda sics Sadia on you if you try to sleep in The Bannered Mare, and yesterday I accidentally tried to sleep in a vertical vampire coffin which made my character get stuck and had to reload. gives the bandits a lot more depth, splitting them up into various factions. makes lockpicking more based on your character attributes rather than your minigame skills, and optionally plays an animation when you attempt to auto-lockpick.

I would also really classify graphical mods like Flora Overhaul, Lush trees/grass as immersion mods since they make forests feel like actual forests. It just makes them a lot more dense and I think Bethesda probably held back on that due to performance issues on consoles.

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Post » Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:57 pm

Very interesting, thank you. Bandit one is in particulary interesting, thinking of trying it out. And sleep mod is cool, altough with Cheskos tents you can actually sit, or lie down befeore sleeping. And about lockpick overhaul, yeah I saw it in Gophers playtrough, really nice mod, but saw there is now some issue, you kinda have to re-activate mod in mcm menu, before lockpicking, hope that is going to be fixed soon.

Anyway thanks for suggestions.

Edit: Oh, and yeah, already using Lush Trees, and did tried Flora overhaul, it is good, altough, don't want to overload my game as little as possible, 'cause I have mid pc spec, not that really high that can handle loads of texture pack mods, etc. And reason why now don't want to overlaud it 'cause when I try some mod, and I like it,then can't imagine playing without it. Even if sometims case performance hit.

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Robert Devlin
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Post » Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:54 pm

An absolute must: Dynamic Things - - Chop down trees to make wood (compatible with Frostfall), pick up wood from the various vanilla firewood stockpiles (beware, some may be owned!), makes all keg barrels activatable, gain experience when using training dummies, etc. Compatible with Frostfall, Realistic Needs and Diseases, and Piratelord's Loot Adjustments.

More Interactive Items - - Immersion mod. Allows the player to pick up, interact with and possibly sell the various bits of clutter (rags, bones, urns etc.) that can be found in the game.

Piratelord Loot Adjustments - - makes all barrels and urns activatable, and rebalances loot found within - adds a load more clutter items (broken ancient amulets, steel rings etc.) with a small chance of decent loot. Makes more sense - for example ancient dwemer containers and draugr won't have gold in form of septims but as Dwemer coins and Ancient Nord Coins respectively, which are tradable for cash.

Fires Hurt - - no longer can you stand in a fireplace and not take damage. Adds fire damage to fires and hot geysers.

Hunting In Skyrim ( by B1gBadDaddy?

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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:53 am

Seems interesting. Thanks for the tip.

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