I messed up my Skyrim installation and hope for some advice on how best to proceed before I make even more mistakes.
I was playing Skyrim with the SkyUI mod on Windows 8 last night when I saw the special deal on Steam for the Legendary Edition. Quickly adding up the cost of the individual add-ons (Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn), it was cheap to buy the Legendary Edition, so on a whim I did.
I crossed my fingers that my saved games would remain intact, clicked Install in the Steam window and went to bed.
This morning I discovered that the Steam download window was still open but had hung after downloading, and my only option was to cancel.
Not surprisingly, Skyrim won't start any more.
Is the following procedure the right way to fix the problem?
1. De-install Skyrim via Windows Control Panel
2. Go to Steam library and re-install the game (I assume all the DLCs will be installed at once)
3. Re-visit the instructions on how to install SKSE (I can't remember the procedure)
4. Re-install the SkyUI mod with the Nexus Mod Manager
I hope I won't have to start playing from scratch with a new character!
Thanks for any advice you can give me!