It's been a long time since I played Skyrim, and I never actually finished the game. I recently purchased Dragonborn, and was thinking of simply starting anew, but I figured I might as well ask for some help specific to my situation.
I'm running on the following:
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T Processor (6 CPUs), ~2.8GHz
Windows 7
I previously installed some modifications via Steam Workshop to make the game look better, but then I figured I just simply needed the game to work better than to look better, so I sort of uninstalled the mods via Steam Workshop.
What I'd like is have a better UI for keyboard/mouse play, as well as bugfixes that haven't been officially implemented but are sorely needed. I would also like to maybe have some extra quests that add some extra gameplay time into the mix, as I intend to spend quite a bit of time exploring the world again.
From what I've read in this thread: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1466526-new-to-skyrim-mods-need-tips/
SkyUI and Unofficial Skyrim Patch seem to be the way to go. Then It seems mods by ThirteenOranges are nice to have.
My issue is I don't quite understand this process of scrubbing your game with TESEdit or the general process of adding mods now... as it's been years since I added stuff (last time i used a mod manager was New Vegas). I'm also wondering what that DDoS attack on Skyrim Nexus is about, and if I should hold on getting mods.
If you can offer some assistance, I'd appreciate it. If you also wanna be friends on Steam, lemme know! I could always use new folks to talk to!
I have the three mods, by the way... and my friend said I should consider playing something called Falskaar. Erm... is that like a full replacement mod for Skyrim after I complete it?