1.) Let me pick how many saves are kept on hard drive. It is a pain to delete old saves. I usually don't like more than 10-15 saved files. I think a lot of the issues with the game is 320 GB hard drive is getting filled. I delete old games and need to clean up the cloud. How about keep my last 10 saves only.
2.) Cloud service should delete saved games no longer on my hard drive. If I delete them from hard drive, remove them from the cloud
3.) Journal that keeps track of each location and last time I visited it.
4.) If a mine has not regenerated, don't show it in bright white on compass.
5.) Fix the mine regeneration clocks. Some of the mines take 30+ game days to regenerate
Hearthfire and Lydia as wife
1.) Why does she walk backwards
2.) Why can't I sell her stuff outside?
3.) I gave her 500 gold investor stack, she showed 1250 for first few days. Now 752 gold
Roaming around
1.) Dragon attacks are not consistent. I might get attacked by 4 dragons in a row at spawning to four sites, then no dragons for days.
2.) Other stores I invested in don't show the 500 gold added in
3.) Steel ingots at stores can disappear for 3-4 game days. Steel is not rare. It should be available daily to buy from every store