Ok so previously I have been very much against the thought of having TES 6 on another continent, but if it had to be on a different continent, I would choose Aldmeris. Now before you get into the whole, "you idiot, Aldmeris sunk," or, "shutup about your Elves" (I couldn't think of any better insults), UESP (which I understand to be the preferred Wiki on Bethesda Forums, even though I prefer The Elder Scrolls Wikia) says that, "its exact fate is unknown, but it appears that the continent came under some kind of threat during the Merethic Era". So with that being said, here's a basic outline of what I thing TES VI: Aldmeris could contain.
First of all, there is another Great War. The Elves, because they simply cannot keep up with the races of man in reproduction, lose the war. The Aldmeri Dominion is utterly destroyed, and the regions of the Summerset Isle, Valenwood, and even parts of Elsweyr are destroyed. The Elves decide that the Age of Elves is finally over, and there is no place for them in Tamriel anymore. So what do they do? Mass exodus to their homeland, Aldmeris. But wait! "the continent came under some kind of threat during the Merethic Era," so you it's up to YOU, the player, and an elite group of Elves and perhaps other races, to go to Aldmeris beforehand, and to find out what happened all those centuries ago. It is up to YOU, the player, to restore the home of the Elves so they can return.
So tell me what you think of my idea. It seems kind of far-fetched, but with how bad the Thalmor are portrayed in Skyrim, we all know Bethesda would have them lose if there was another Great War. It's the sad truth...