Are they planning any other patches?

Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:07 pm

Or is this game officially abandoned yet by the devs?

I posted this on another forum and wanted to post it here.

It's been a while since I've played this game and decided to try to hop into it again. I've just been running around aimlessly, exploring. I remembered very quickly how pathetic it is that the game tells you exactly where locations are on your compass within a half mile or so that you've never even discovered, and when you can't even see them from where you're standing.

So I went into the options looking for some option to turn the compass off. There is none! Awesome! But there IS an option to change the HUD opacity, so I turned it all of the way down to get rid of the compass, and therefore give the game some of its purpose back. I mean, as an open world game, the whole point of it is to explore, right? I really don't understand how anyone can argue that the devs didn't dumb the game down with things like this. The game has an almost mandatory feature that does the exploring for you. Seriously?

So now my compass is gone, but now I have no way of being able to tell when I'm going to die because the health bar is gone and the game gives me no other way to tell how close to death I am. Now I can't observe what kind of item I'm looking at without adding it to my inventory and pausing the game to go through the menus, or even tell which objects in the game can even be interacted with at all. If I'm looking for a certain place or someone's house, it won't tell me when I look at their front door anymore. NPCs don't have names.

I hope nobody comes in here saying something like "you want immersion but you want this and that etc" because if you do, you've missed the point. The compass showing me locations I have no reason to know are there from half a mile away is ridiculous and I honestly can't believe it's even a thing. I shouldn't have to turn off all of those other things just to remove it, things that all playable, properly functioning video games have.

I know this game has been out a while, so obviously LOADS of other people have complained about this, which is why I'm so dumbfounded that nothing has been done. Holy chipotle are these guys some lazy devs or what.

IN SHORT I'm basically just wondering if there are any plans to patch things in like the option to turn off or alter the compass? It's something that really takes a lot of the fun out of the game for me, and I'm sure many other people as well. It's such an obvious thing, that after two years the fact that nothing has been done about it leaves me feeling pretty hopeless as far as any patch is concerned.

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Mandi Norton
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:56 pm

No. Odds are patch 1.9 was the final patch.
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:44 am

As far as I know, they are done working on the game.
If a patch was released in the future, I highly doubt it would be for cosmetic things like the compass, but instead just to fix bugs/glitches.

I have no idea what you mean by "lazy."
Bethesda supported the game with patches, DLC, and free updates for well over a year.

Your only option is to use the PC version and install mods to customize the game to your liking.

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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:52 am

Not including some kind of toggle option for something so obvious is either an embarrassing oversight or laziness, your pick.

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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:33 am

Or neither and working as intended.

I like the UI as is, in all its default glory.
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:32 am

And I'm sure there are people out there that would enjoy it if the game told you the exact loot waiting inside of every dungeon in a neat list presented in a hovering fashion above every entrance so that the player could decide if that dungeon is worth exploring or not. Doesn't mean that feature would be enjoyable for everyone.

That's super that you enjoy it, but when I say "obvious" I mean because it's something that LOADS of TES fans would predictably and understandably not enjoy, therefore it was an oversight to not include the option to toggle it. This isn't rocket science, silly.

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Brad Johnson
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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 4:42 am

So you are angry you didn't get your perfect game. Join the club and take a number. You can't get everything you want in a game, and this is one such thing that didn't make it. Given the tens of thousands of things they had to do to make the game, an option to toggle the compass isn't very high on the list of priorities, no matter how you try and spin it as laziness. The compass is there, as they intended, they are done with the game.

You say laziness or an oversight, i say get over it or find a new game.
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 7:05 pm

All sources of information point to the fact that they are done with the game.
That answers your question.
No point in complaining about something you can never change.

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