Frenzy and poison runes, thoughts?

Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:49 am

My current PC is a stealthy illusionist/thief with alchemy as the only craft. I'm investing primarily in Sneak and Alchemy with Archery as the ranged attack. The Dragonborn Frenzy rune and poison rune seem like natural additions to this build's repertoire but I'd have to burn two perks in Restoration to get the Poison rune spell and max it out (Novice and Dual Cast). I've got everything I need in the Illusion tree to make the Frenzy rune worthwhile.

Is it worth the two perk points to acquire and max the poison rune? I still have many perks open in the Sneak tree. I really liked using runes when playing with Destruction magic so this feels appropriate but I wonder if it's worthwhile. This PC basically sneaks up and either backstabs or shoots the opponent. If the opponent survives the initial attack, it's time to run away (this PC runs away a lot, but then comes back to get the final word). In this scenario, that poison rune could be an awesome last line of defense. But has anyone used it and really thought it makes a difference - I'm on Master difficulty so the spell won't do 90 points of damage per the description, I think it'll do 45. Thanks!

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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:30 am

Poison Rune is only really effective when dealing with a group of small, weak enemies or slightly crippling a normal one. Your Alchemy should outdo it if it's good.
Frenzy Rune, also only good for groups of enemies. Good if your Illusion is low and your normal Frenzy can't outdo it.
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Ben sutton
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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:48 am

I don't find the Poison Rune to be very effective.

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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:07 pm

I have a new character looking to do something similar. She is a bosmer treasure hunter. Stealthy magic and some archery.

I don't have those rune spells yet, but am working towards it.

My thoughts are to use those runes with the Quiet Casting perk. And use the Throw Voice shout to direct people across those runes.

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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:36 am

I was just thinking that I'd need Quiet Casting to use the Frenzy rune effectively. So far, I haven't bothered with it (got Aspect of Terror and Adept level spells instead) but it might be worth it now. So I'd have to burn three perk points to effectively use these runes. I'm more inclined to invest further in the Sneak tree first. My current build isn't using Shouts so I'd have to figure out a different way to 'trap' them.

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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:21 am

yeah, I don't want her to use shouts either, but I made Throw Voice an exception, just for this build.

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sam westover
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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:22 am

I actually really like Throw Voice, it's the perfect compliment for a stealthy build. So without shouts, I just try to make do by shooting arrows to lure guards away.

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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:28 pm

casting rune spells, even with quiet casting, will draw in enemies. quiet casting only silences the casting of the spell. enemies still hear the rune being placed.

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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:17 pm

I don't really understand that Frenzy Rune...

I've got a high level illusionist character and Frenzy is the same tier (Adept) as Frenzy Rune... but Frenzy affects higher level enemies and costs less.

I guess the only advantage is the same as other runes - you'd need to set it - pre-battle, and then regenerate your magicka before attacking/aggro-ing/luring your prey.

Useful for a group all coming your way, however, if one enemy gets hit by it, and you're sneaking, they'll be aggro'd AND will head directly towards you...

Dubious about it's usefulness.


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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:04 pm

Update - I've got the Frenzy rune and was trying to put it good use but every situation seemed forced. I just kept thinking, I could achieve the same thing with the spell and I wouldn't be risking getting close (don't have the Rune Master perk for casting at a distance). Then, the perfect situation came up for a rune instead of a spell.

My PC was outside Fort Graymoor with the intent of clearing the exterior zone. I tried casting Frenzy through one of the openings in the stockade but the targets were all pretty far so it was easy to miss and they all spotted the PC as soon as she cast the spell (don't have Quiet Casting perk). After hiding successfully and waiting for the bandits to get back to their posts, I had the PC sneak to the entrance of the fort (a typical, short, tunnel through the wall to the main courtyard). I had the PC sneak up to the tunnel, cast the Frenzy Rune, and back out quickly. Casting the spell makes enough noise to attract the bandits and, as soon as the first one crossed the rune, the fun started. I got all but two of the five or six bandits with this trick. One of them didn't go back into the fort so the PC backstabbed her and, of course, Frenzy doesn't work when there's only one baddie.

All together, it was the perfect spell for that situation.

Still don't have Poison Rune but once Restoration hits 40, it's time to head back to Solstheim!

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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:41 am

MY mage is at 100 lvl illusion with all the perks. I just cast frenzy the old fashioned way. Never really tried the rune, but Im intrigued.

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Kat Stewart
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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:42 pm

Well, you gotta jump through some hoops over in Solstheim to get the spell, but once you do, it does provide for some creative applications. The poison rune is more obviously useful, but my illusionist is so squishy that any option to lay down a trap (be it a poison trap or a frenzy trap) and retreat to a safe distance is welcome.

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