I want to make an In-game Journal Mod

Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:00 pm

I want to have a journal you can write in to jot down your characters travels/thoughs/experiences (potentially only when you go to bed). It would also be awesome if those files could be shared online on some database so you can see journal entries in-depth of characters from all over the world. Additionally, this is a bit strange, but to make a sort of mandatory break from Skyrim upon Journaling/rest for 20 minutes to 'meditate' meaning that you actually sit and meditate on life existentially and what not in real life! Of course I can't make you but taking breaks from gaming is healthy especially when free from all stimulation! I want to create a journal mod that will actually be working haha compared to the others. Unfortunately I'm brand new to the Creation Kit so I don't know much about how to go about doing this. Any pointers/tips/directions? Thank you!

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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:41 am

This isn't actually something you'd do with the Creation Kit for the most part. All of the game's user interface is handled through a separate layer based on Adobe Flash, which communicates with the game itself only in limited ways. The idea of modding this UI layer to add a writeable journal has been discussed before--I don't know if anyone has gotten very far because it will require a lot of coordinated work from several parties. But http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1426643-personal-journal-write-your-own-words-in-game/?p=22174285.
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