league of shadows build

Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:45 pm

Hey guys, been watching and playing too much batman and was hoping you guys could help me out with a league of shadows build. Im definitely going thiefs guild for nightingale armor and then dark brotherhood. For skills was thinking 2h for that ebony katana and maybe a couple points in 1h for assassination. Sneak obviously and some archer and alchemy? Ive never put any points in alchemy and want to use it to switch up my play style so any tips would be great. Let me know any suggestions or ideas on build, rp ideas, and what quests to do. Thanks guys
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Imy Davies
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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:09 pm

Well first off you need nightingale armor.....maybe get the pugilist gloves for fisticuffs?

sneak up on people and snap their necks lol

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Emily abigail Villarreal
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Post » Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:44 am

One Handed and illusion/alteration. Fear and Frenzy seem perfect for a league of shadows build. there should be a one-handed katana in the secret room in riverwood once you're good with delphine. paralyze and fear should be excellent choices for bringing it down to single combat. maybe even go as far as using alchemy and pickpocket, planting poisons on people. Invisibility and maybe have the darkbrotherhood gauntlets on backup for the backstab bonus. sounds like it would be a fun build.

i might go ebony mail and just the hood of the nightinggale armor, i think only batman has the cape. Daedric Gauntlets would be a good aesthetic choice i think, they are the only ones i can think of that have the 'spikes' on the forearms.

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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:51 am

Yea originally I wanted to do a batman build but can you successfully use unarmed for the whole game? If you can please let me know how cuz that would just be awesome. Otherwise the plan is just a regular member illusion does seem like it would be perfect definitely gonna use it thanks for bringing it up.so right now it seems like these are the skills ill be using:

Light armor


Is this gonna be a problem with too many skills or should I be good?
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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:43 pm

Batman is going to pick pockets? Or is that to plant poisons?

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emily grieve
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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:23 pm

plant poisons, i would only use archery as a utility skill, without putting any actually points into it, what comes to mind with this build is crossbows+explosive bolts. simulate the bombs they would use. or fireballs.

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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:43 pm

Yea just for poisons and again this isnt a batman build but a ordinary member of the league of shadows who believes in chaos being needed for the greater good. I didnt even know there was explosive bults but I will definitely be using a crossbow now.been on a batman wiki looking up info on the league and a notable guy used one. Really cant wait to start this cuz I feel you can get away with doing alot of stuff without breaking rp. Anyone got some more ideas or alchemy and pickpocket tips? Maybe a follower reccomendation ?
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:52 am

And thinking I may just stick with 1h no shield use a blades sword and get rid of 2h but that ebony katana just seems too cool.
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Add Meeh
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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:30 pm

invisibility pots from alchemy, save on points put into magicka. also slow poisons for for dragons. for followers..... none come to mind except for cicero. but i've never had him as a follower so i dont know how he is.

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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:20 am

Yea was thinking no illusion and using alchemy for invis potions and poisons so wont be using magic at all. Definitely not a Cicero fan I know why ppl like him but I honestly cant stand him.any links for pickpocket and alchemy guide? Some tips would be nice
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:33 am

well, without illusion it might be interesting. my 'talia' character has been doing great, she got her katana without having to start the main quest, RPing it as she killed the man who betrayed her to the legion and stole her blade (fultheim). the illusion spells look like you could roleplay them as throwing gas bombs or pellets at the enemy. so theres that little stretch.

alchemy will definitely be relied upon heavily. there is this utility i always use when starting up a nice batch of potions http://skyrim.warlore.org/ just the skyrim alchemy tool. slow poisons will be necessary without the crowd control illusion can give. deathbell and salt piles give you slow. throw in any damage health ingredient to give you a decent poison. i suggest completing the 'Crimson Nirnroot" quest. "Return to Your Roots" i think it is called. gives you a great passive for alchemy. 25% chance for a duplicate potion.

Pickpocket i've never gotten the hang of, basically the more valuable it is, the less likely you are to place/take it.

I've never actually used cicero as a follower so i dont really know much about him, just that a fair number of people love him.

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David John Hunter
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Post » Fri Jul 19, 2013 2:49 pm

Hmm. Well I'd say, get a Blades Sword ASAP. Ebony Blade could work too though, but it'll hinder your use of spells, should you choose to use any.

Definitely use Illusion if you plan on using magic. I'd stick with mainly Frenzy, but throw in some fear too. An assassin from the League is very skilled in the art of deception.

For armor, I'd say Dark Brotherhood cowl (LOA assassins are often depicted with the face cloth over their mouths), Ebony Mail, Nightingale Gloves, and Ebony Boots. Full Nightingale + DB cowl could work too.

For RP, I'd say play as an Imperial. That's what I'd imagine Talia or Ra's to be.

Destroy the Dark Brotherhood whenever you get the chance. The League of Assassins would see them as a blight on Nirn honestly, and they would need to be purged. The LOA is more about order and rebirth, the DB is more about senseless chaos and destruction.

I'll write more tomorrow since it's 2 AM and I'm very tired, and this RP really intrigues me (I'm a massive Batman fan, in case you couldn't tell). Maybe I'll try to think of a way to work in the Lazarus Pit... :wink:

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