Not as in her age, but at what time she originally lived as a human.
When you first speak to Serana and mention the Empire, it turns out that she'd never heard of it. She's also surprised that it's in Cyrodiil.
So it was prior to Tiber Septim's conquest and founding of the Empire.
When exploring a Dwemer ruin, she may say "I always wondered what the dwarves actually looked like. I hear they're like elves, but with beards."
Which means they were already gone at that point. She doesn't belong to the period when Chimer were still around and at war with the Dwemer.
One more hint would be the line "Nordic ruins. Even older than I am. I wonder if the draugr are as gullible as they were when I was a girl."
In other words, Serana isn't as old as Hakon One-Eye or Gormlaith Golden-Hilt.
Speculate away.