Legendary a Skill & Blacksmith Problem

Post » Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:56 pm

At level 54 I decided to Legendary Heavy Armor and change to Light Armor. I perked the left side of the Smithing skill to make Glass armor and am saving some for perking Light Armor. However, the Blacksmiths have one Moonstone ore and no Malachite. There is very little Malachite available for mining.

Looking at the various Blacksmith merchant's chests in the CK, I see why. One Leveled list (raw minerals) allows them to have one Moonstone ore. The other (processed minerals) has nothing but Ebony Ingots for levels 22+.

So, it would seem, Bethesda doesn't allow you to buy Malachite (ore or ingots) or more than one Moonstone ore after level 21, never accounting for a player changing with the Legendary ability added to the game.

For now, I will change the Blacksmiths' chests in my own ESP so I can buy the minerals for Light Armor. But I am wondering...

Is this something that should be addressed by the USKP?

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Kari Depp
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