Quick destruction magic question

Post » Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:26 pm

First off, not sure what forum this should go, but i posted it here just in case it counted as a spoiler of some sort.

Anyway, i was trying to figure out how high one could push the damage on destruction spells. I had hoped to find a calculator of some sort, but could not. So for anyone who has a fairly high level destruction mage, can you answer these questions?

- How much damage does your expert level heavy missle spell do (incinerate, icy spear, or thunderbolt)?

- How much damage does your adept level area missle spell do (fireball, icestorm, chain lightning)?

- What did you use to hit the amount of damage you do with these spells?

- Is alchemy a requirement for getting decent damage out of destruction?

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jesse villaneda
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Post » Sat Jul 20, 2013 6:00 pm

You can dual cast. I also got the aspect of terror perk which improves fire spells. Plus the more obvious destruction perks.
There is a potion, fortify destruction.
I haven't done the maths, I just cast the spells until the enemy is dead.
But the main way to increase effectiveness of destruction spells is by reducing the cost to cast through enchanted gear. If you have 4 pieces enchanted, you can get the cost to cast Down to zero.

The thing with destruction is not the pure power of one spell. You mix it with runes, wall spells, plus add in perhaps conjuration to build an attack plan. It doesn't work to try bowling up to higher level enemy groups and expecting to blast them with one type of spell.
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Post » Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:52 pm

Yeah.. thats not what i asked for.

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Post » Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:27 pm

it will do as much dmg as the tooltip would say + "http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Destruction_Dual_Casting#Destruction_Dual_Casting enables you to cast a 220% strength version of the spell at 280% of normal cost when simultaneously casting the same spell from both hands" (from the wiki) + the perk 50% (augmented frost,fire, shock) + any of the three dragon masks that gives 25% more dmg. Besides that there is no other way to augment spell dmg except for fortify destruction potion as far as I know.

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