Hear me out. Right fromt he UESP page: Their combination of powerful intellects with strong and agile physiques produce superior warriors and sorcerers. On the battlefield, Dunmer are noted for their skill with a balanced integration of the sword, the bow and destruction magic. In character, they are grim, aloof, and reserved, as well as distrusting and disdainful of other races."
In Skyrim, you pretty much see Dunmer as destro mages. I miss the hardened warrior Dunmer also.
So here is what I am going to do. I am going to start a new character with this description as a template. A balanced integration of sword, bow and spell. I need some help from you guys, though. First off, I should mention I am playing on PC with Better Magic, Deadly Combat, and Deadly Dragons, so that will no doubt factor into a viable character build as many traditional vanilla builds crumble with the added difficulty of these mods.
Here is where I reach my biggest point of indecision: heavy or light armor? Light armor would suit them more in many ways, but with the deadly combat mod, I would get mauled in light armor in a sword fight I think.
Next is when I fight with a sword, does that mean sword and shield? A shield seems to be the only way to survive with Deadly Combat, but does it seem fitting to a Dunmer to you guys?
What skills and perks would you recommend for a traditional Dunmer with the above description in mind?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Sorry for the highlighted text, I have no idea why it is happening.