Problem with location.addtomap function, URGENT!

Post » Sun Jul 21, 2013 4:07 am

So I'm making a mod: skyrim[dot]nexusmods[dot]com/mods/38017/?

And so far its been easy to remove the map markers because in the quest script fragments there is this function : location.AddToMap()

And all I do is add a semi colon and presto, no more map marker.

Until now. I'm now working on the Dark Brotherhood quests and I can't find that function anywhere in the fragments for 2 of the quests already.

They are: The marker for the Brotherhood sanctuary, you receive it when Astrid gives you the key in the abandoned shack

and the one for the first Primary contract for the girl in markarth who sends you to a dwarven ruin.

So if anyone knows what other methods beth used to add map markers please let me know, I have the update set for the 25th of July

Thanks in advance

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Romy Welsch
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