Followers & Upgraded Blades Armour

Post » Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:41 am

Ok, so I had Jordis decked out in upgraded ebony armour but decided I'd rather have my followers all in one place - so starting with Jordis, enlisted them into the blades...

Jordis gets some cool looking blades armour BUT then I find some in a chest and the stats were lower than the ebony armour I had her in.

So, I upgraded the blades armour (making them 25% better than her ebony armour) but she won't wear it!!

Her own blades armour doesn't show in her inventory, so I can't take it off her. And when I give her the upgraded blades armour (which is WAAAAYYYYY better than the stuff she has) she just won't wear it. She will, however, use the ebony shield instead of the blades shield!

Is this a known glitch?? Is there a fix?? She's now getting owned in most battles

PS I tried giving her my glass armour too, but she won't wear that either....

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Stephani Silva
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Post » Sun Jul 21, 2013 5:42 am

That's the facts how Jordi works:

Ask her to trade equipment and all the gear she had when she left will be in her inventory. Remove one item and give it back and everything is reequipped.

Jordis will not use some bows, even though they may be superior to her base weapon. She seems to prefer Ancient Nord weapons.

She will wield the Gauldur Blackbow, but will not use the Nightingale Bow, even though it is far superior to her default Hunting Bow.


  • If given an ebony shield, Jordis might think it is a weapon. She sheathes it and uses it as a weapon while the actual weapon stays sheathed.

The effects of this have not been tested in battle.

  • When given Necromancer's Robes to carry, they cannot be removed later. The message, "You cannot remove your teammate's starting armor," appears.
  • If given some armor, she may equip it then switch to her default on the next reload. A possible fix is to use the Perfect Touch perk to take her default armor.

(Tested on XBOX 360 )

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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:09 am

Thanks for that - some helpful info. No fix re her blades armour then I guess...

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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Sun Jul 21, 2013 4:28 pm

That's a general tip for the Blade armor....

Be careful to remove any special or valuable armor that an inventory follower might be wearing at the time of his or her induction,

as the Blades Armor will replace any armor the follower is wearing, making that armor permanently lost. !!!!!

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Monika Fiolek
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