Doing my first with a DiD in Skyrim - a lonely female Orc, desperate for company, but trusting of no one.
Simple question - are any containers in Anise's Cabin safe?
Doing my first with a DiD in Skyrim - a lonely female Orc, desperate for company, but trusting of no one.
Simple question - are any containers in Anise's Cabin safe?
The cabin's basemant is non-respawning, meaning that all containers are for storage. Several of the containers on the ground floor of the cabin are also standard (e.g., the cupboard and dresser). Be careful, as the barrel outside is not safe.
Credit to UESP wiki!
There's a list of safe storage places in Skyrim. Not sure where.
I May try DiD again. This time alone, so I won't leave faithful companions to die when I run away like a scared mouse.
Ahh, the USEP Wiki, didn't know there was such an animal, thanks!
Trying to "blind" my way through this, afraid if I reference too much, I'll inadvertently "spoil" my adventure.
At this point I've grown a little too attached to my little she-devil. Want to crank her up and take her as far as she'll go! - And isn't that just what makes DiD so damn engaging?!
If she fails - I'll toast her with song and mead. She'll be the stuff of camp-fire legends. That is - I hope, right now, she's level 3, on the way to Bleak Barrow - hope she has what it takes!
Curse your so-called "UESP Wiki"!!
The Elder Scrolls Wiki forever!!
Good call... Once I started playing DID it was hard for me to go back to playing normal.. I am too used to the immersion DID brings... I also play HUDless and without music. DID does away with all the reckless and indeed, mindless playstyle of die > reload. You simply cant screw around on DID.... so you see a canyon and wonder whats there? sure... but what if its a sabre cat and theres no cover... shall I walk around? or shall I try and find higher ground for better defense? Is this minor fetch quest for some no-name NPC worth my time? Do I need the money they are promising? Shall I go and mine some ore? or shall I trust weapon as it is? Oh and forget about fast travelling too. Each action must be thoroughly considered, a true RPG.
There was a great fanfic about a DID character who lived a normal life, one for oblivion and skyrim... Norbert the miner or something. It gives a good example of a DID game.
+2 (there's two of us behind the screen, just for the record)
Playing hudless and without music? WOW. Hudless I wish we could have the ambient music without the dramatic horns and drums. How exactly does one play "hudless"? Will not your inventory become invisible?
Half way into the barrow. Thullea is quietly stepping all the way. If she survives this, I'll have to find her a mate, maybe.
Yeah I used to be more in love with TESW but it doesn't give good enough charts! UESP has way better charts and stuff, but sometimes TESW has better info.