I've been playing with the concept of a Ranger/Woodsman character. The idea is mix of warrior and stealth - so I am going with Archery and Sneak as major skills + one fighting style and armor type. I don't want to go dual-wielding, so I will be investing some perks in Block, depending whether or not to go with shield or not.
Minor skills would be Alchemy and Smithing. I might even forego magic use completely.
Now, regarding the armor type, I always went with Light Armor in my previous playthroughs because in the end game both armor types offer maximum protection but Light Armor costs one perk less and has better abilities (Stamina regeneration over stagger). More importantly, it made much more sense for me going with Light Armor because of all the swimming, sneaking and running which Ranger does. I first envisioned this guy in Fur Armor and waraxe + hide shield.
On the other hand, I'm afraid that I will get slaughtered with just Light Armor on higher difficulty, and I think Heavy Armor has better looking sets, especially with DLC content. Can it be done, from a RP sense I mean? I wouldn't go wearing Daedric or Ebony of course - perhaps Stalhrim or Nord. Which is the lightest Heavy Armor set?
And regarding the fighting style, obviously one handed works much better with Sneak, but I would have to invest more perks into Block tree then and I could just utilize Archery with Sneak. If I were to go two handed I would choose Battleaxe.
What do you think?