Question for Imperial supporters - DB spoiler

Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:20 am

Something that people seem to just ignore in Civil War threads when they argue in favor of the Empire is that the Emperor is assassinated at the behest of a member of the Elder Council. Mostly, people seem to just dismiss it and not take it into consideration, but I could of course be wrong about that last part. Thus I want to know what the opinion of those who support the Empire about this assassination deal.

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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:16 am

What do you want us to say? That clearly goes into as an advantage for the Stormcloaks.

It's extremely unfortunate because by all accounts the Empire was preparing itself to war with the Dominion. The WGC would have been lifted, giving Skyrim a chance to remain with the Empire since all the Stormcloaks ingame do is talk about the ban.
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Laura Samson
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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:39 am

My own view as to one possible reason and i think i posted this on another thread but my memory is shot.

Aldmeri influence: spies or agents may have "got to" one member of the council and persuaded them or bribed them into thinking this is the best way forward for either the Empire or their own personal ambitions, maybe both. That's the conspiracy theory.

Or it could be as simple as a rival wanting to be Emperor -wouldn't be the first ruler to be bumped off and no doubt not the last both on Nirn and here for that matter.

Or revenge for some perceived slight, could be a multitude of things, however the timing is significant.

Is there some sort of lead in from this to the next TES

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Janine Rose
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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:31 am

I myself am not going to sugarcoat this opinion, simply because I do not care who hates it. The Assassination of Mede was more than likely simply a plot of one simple man who wanted power. There is simply no evidence in game that the Thalmor knew or even paid Motierre to do what he did. The Books that state that the Thalmor "own" The Elder Council do not count as evidence that the plot was a Thalmor one. The Altmer Nazis would more than likely kill Mede themselves and call him a Talos Worshiper if they did.

I still do not support the Empire, but do not Support the Stormcloaks, either.

Stormcloak supporters have something to say? PM me.

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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:15 am

It's amazing how much people get worked up over fake politics. Anyway, I just take it as a sign of the corruption that's spread throughout the Empire. Despite being a Stormcloak supporter, killing him left me with guilt. In my view, he was an honorable man surrounded by rats and corruption. It was a tragic inevitability.
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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:17 am

OR, he could have actually been working for the Thalmor and killing him was helping the Empire.

Still not enough evidence to say anything other than someone wanted him dead, and the guy who did wanted the DB to do it.

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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:54 am

Except Motierre was pretty obviously a sleaze that wanted more power. Hell, even the Synod and College of Whispers have turned into giant political games. If Mede was such a corrupt guy, I imagine he would've been begging for his life a bit more.

Granted, you might be right, but the Emperor gained my respect, and I'm inclined to believe he was a decent guy.
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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:31 am

I did that once. You decided to leave the conversation instead of answering my question.

As for the first part, I have never argued that. No need, it is damaging enough without it.

Well, acknowledging it instead of ignoring it would be a good start.

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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:34 am

Mede II's assassination could be a boon for the Empire by rallying the squabbling nobles around a martyr and having them reassess the WGC.

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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:28 am

It could happen, but what reason do we have to think that? I mean, Tullius says

Most of the Legion is tied down on the border with the Aldmeri Dominion. The Emperor can't afford to risk weakening Cyrodiil's defenses. From the Imperial City, our war here is just a sideshow. An interlude before the main event against the Thalmor resumes.

He presents it like the Emperor is the one leading this whole affair. Him being assassinated by a member of the Elder Council... well, I think you need a better salesjob.

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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:44 pm

That's the point of Mede being a martyr. While there's intrigue involved his death would spur the nobility into asking why and at least considering his cause. If enough influential people tilt towards his side of the argument as a result of his death the WGC could be repealed.

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