Hello guys, with my current build (Bosmer Archer w/ 1h as backup) I've been trying dual wield and also S&S, thing is, while I love the idea of dual wielding it's a bit clumsy in this game for some reason and it gets boring spamming R1+L1 all the time, even if it is that good.
On the other hand, S&S doesn't really suit an archer much and although I think it's good and fun, I don't like the idea of having the shield in my hand at all times.
So, my question is, how handicapped would I be by using only 1 sword and an empty hand? I know I would have less speed and power than dual wielding and also less blocking ability by far, (even though the Daedric shield only protects 63% and a weapon can protect 60%, but I lose the perks anyway) but I think it can be overcomed with the (better) power bash of swords and it may be fun. What do you guys think?
(I wish I had SkyRe :'()
Honest opinions please and no, I'm not interested in magic as it would not make sense in my RP as it is now, maybe later, thanks anyway