I'm suprised I've not found anyone else with this issue.
Problem is, I want to use Live Another LIfe to skip ahead from the intro and spice up how I start my game, while also not needing to start the mainquest for fun to happen. But Live Another Life does something to completely screw up the dragon spawning system, meaning dragons never spawn unless you specifically start the mainquest via Live another Life and force yourself to play through it till the point they spawn at. Mods like Immediate Dragons do not work, forcing the quests to be completed doesn't work, and changing the gvar for DragonsReturn doesn't work - LaL does something to completely disable them, and its irritating because I'd love to be able to play Skyrim with dragons like normal but not have to be doing the mainquest or do the role of Dovakiin.
Is there any way to get it so Live Another Life spawns dragons? What does it change to force them off, even if I load it before other mods that supposedly make dragon spawning instant?