I was finishing my long (more than 200 hours) 2nd playthrough of the game, when strangely infinite loads begin to happen. A few times randomly first, though always from interior to exterior, but now on each try to exit the Underforge and go to the Tamriel worldspace. The weird thing is that during the load, there's no 3D pic nor text, just the music and smoke. And unfortunately i must restart my PC each time it happens, because the window opened with Ctrl + Alt + Del is hidden by the game.
Tried some tips found on the net, but alas. The Skyrim.ini doesn't have Map entries, and SkyrimPref.ini is barely tweaked. I'm not using map mods neither. The log is not flooded, the memory usage is as it used to be before it begins.
I'm using less than 20 mods (most are my creations) including the 3 DLCs, which are cleaned with TES5Edit. Someone on the net was saying that this could be caused by an huge save file (17.5 currently), but the problem is also happening now with an old save from my 1st playthrough, which is not huge and was working perfectly.
Any input is welcome, because i really don't know what to do anymore.