I went back behind Jorvaskr and reverted back to my human form out of the public view. I then went to Nazeem's body, reanimated him then satisfyingly watched his corpse dissolve into a nice pile of ash.
Should of killed Olfrid too. I don't know how many times he's mentioned he's the "patron of the great clan Battle Born"
Well, compared to that I don't feel so bad about my Khajiit's disagreeable habit of sneaking into the Windhelm barracks and taking a drink of Stormcloak blood. Silly Nords, Skyrim is for CATS!!
No! Not Nazeem! Who's going to take the burden of filling the void left in the Jarl's backside??
First time I played I thought the "Jarl's Backside" was the name of a tavern or something
The unrelenting, unsolicited dialogue got really old really fast especially Braith. So indulge yourself. Kill them all!
*mumble cry mumble*
Out of curiosity what is your Deathknight build?