Cicero. I usually kill him but now, for a change, i decided to let him live and make him a follower. I regret it. The dude is mad.Completely insane.And my character always felt uneasy with him following him. Which follower do YOU hate?
Cicero. I usually kill him but now, for a change, i decided to let him live and make him a follower. I regret it. The dude is mad.Completely insane.And my character always felt uneasy with him following him. Which follower do YOU hate?
I've really only come across a few followers in all the time I've played the game and while none of them have really annoyed me, I really just didn't like Lydia. She just seems really bland to me and not interesting in the least. That's why I had no problem with it when I accidentally killed her and left her body to rot underneath a picnic table...
For me at least, it was Lydia; she is just very bland, reuses the same grating lines over and over when you are near her, until you just want to knock her off of a mountainside. I was glad when I sacrificed her for a quest, as it mean that I didn't get to hear the same rehashed things over and over again, and it meant I could go pick up someone useful for once.
Mjoll. She OK as a fighter, but she just will NOT shut up. And every thing she says is really annoying.
For me it was Vilja, of all possible followers she [censored] me down the most. I assassinated her in Oblivion and Skyrim. Even MMOx assassinates her at the end of his review.
Marcurio rubs me the wrong way with his cocky attitude.