Pit arena windhelm gladiator mod question

Post » Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:49 pm

Hey all this is regarding the Pit Arena Gladiator fighting, the faction the paladins out of windhelm.

I have tried to make contact with their leader in the Windhelm Training room near the Dark Elf Trader of Windhelm. On one character I went in there he was in his room at his desk Im certain he did talk to me.

On this character that I actually inteded to join up with, he is not in the room, and when I do place at me he will not talk to me, this is Gerlich..

I place Sirollus at me and he talks, and asks if Gerlich sent me there, however I got no such oppurtunity out of him, and really want to flow to the path accordingly...

Can someone pin point for me, why Gerluch wont speak to me and why he wont spawn in the Training arena,

what other places might i find him?

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Laura-Jayne Lee
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