Can I use two separate export methods

Post » Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:12 pm

Kia ora

Can I safely use two separate export methods exporting from 3D Max?

I'm trying to make an armor set from two pieces. I used Savior's armor for the Chest which has
two parts to it and I chopped the pants off the Hide armor.
I have them all fixed as I wish and now need to export them.
As per Nightasy's tutorials I'm selecting an item right clicking adding a skinwrap and adding the body,
While this is working well for all but he Fur from Savior's hide, because of the flaps front and back I
think I need to add the original fur when I do the skinwrap.
eg: select the fur va the smooth right click add skinwrap, add select Body, select Original Fur then
convert to skin. can I do the "Blend Base Mesh" if I have not on the other parts?.
I'm do this because for some reason I have never be able to load the run animation to do the painting
and the small amount of movement in that short flap get fixed by the "Blend Base Mesh" option and stops
it splitting and sitting weirdly
Asking my second question here to save spamming out posts for no real reason
I have made a circlet to replace the Aetherial Crown and use the AetheriumCrest as a center
after shrinking it to the size I want I find the glow is to strong and I can't see the image pattern.
Can I (using Nifskope) change the strength of the glow or make it more transparent? or do I need
to learn that in Max?
Thanks in advance
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Vicky Keeler
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