Hey everyone,
So I've made a decision on how to handle patching and updating for Falskaar. I just wanted to go over it briefly here, and why I chose certain things, to make sure there wasn't anything terribly wrong with this method. So, if you can think of any terrible reasons not to do something mentioned below, let me know so we can discuss!
I'm basically presented with three options:
1. Released patches and updates like Bethesda. Something like FalskaarUpdate.esm for smaller patches. Then in the event I do an expansion or something, it would be a new esm based on the original.
2. Release patches in a mixed fashion. I'd have an update esm and bsa, but huge updates or expansions would simply be to the single original Falskaar.esm file. (With all bug fixes merged in from the update, which would then start over)
3. Release everything together in one file. No matter what I simply upload a new Falskaar.esm and BSA file. It's one simple file.
Now, of course each one has it's ups and downs. Manageability, complexity, download and upload times. Well, I've chosen to go with option three, and here's why.
Patching mods with Skyrim is tricky. With the new system of script baking and all the other problems that updating/removing mods mid-play has, I believe the best approach is that when the mod updates, you don't install the update unless you're starting a new playthrough. This concept works well with the other half of my patching decision, to release fewer larger patches. I don't really want to release a patch every week, or more often. I could, fixing up tiny things and whatnot. But it each release would take a lot of time, and since there are no HUGE issues that need to be fixed, frankly it isn't urgent enough to warrant such work. Instead, releasing huge patches less often has less overhead, even though it has more upload/download sizes and times when it does happen, it will happen far less often, and will change a lot more. (One a month? Every few months? Sort of a Bethesda timescale) In addition, I'm not sure what my schedule in the future will be, so this lets me work when I want on the mod, and I can simply release a patch when I feel it does plenty. This also gives me larger periods of work time if I wanted to add new features or larger chunks of content, beyond simple fixes.
So, basically, every month (or few) I will upload a new FULL version of Falskaar.esm and Falskaar.bsa (And the video files). The instructions and method for update will be, do not install this new version unless you're starting a new playthrough. That will eliminate (Or should, at least...) a HUGE amount of potential issues if people are just updating randomly as they play the mod, since we all know that doesn't work so well.
I certainly want to support Falskaar, and even keep adding new content for it (I'm already going through level-design withdrawl, I need to add more levels or I am going to fall over), I just want to do so in a manner that works best for everyone, and mainly myself.
Hopefully with this I can continue to support Falskaar until the next Fallout comes out. (Which according to E3 rumors could be October of 2015, giving me 2+ years, woah!)
Anyway, sorry for the wall of text. Does anyone see any MAJOR issues with why I shouldn't approach updating like this? I'm going to post a big update about everything that's going on, and what I'm going to do, and patch discussion will be part of it so I'd like to know if I should make tweaks before tomorrow morning! (About 12 hours)