So what the title says basically...
For example lets say you are in a small town or in the city of Whiterun and theirs a vampire attack. You aim for the strongest vamp but then some random idiot guard jumps in the way and gets burned by your Flames spell which you were casting at the time. Now the guard considers you an enemy and starts attacking you as well as the vamps.
So in this kind of situation what do you do? Attack the guards and other "friendly" NPC's who now consider you (and any followers) an enemy or let them attack you while you make a run for it and let the vampires get away with their crime.
Or do you take another action? I'm interested to know because "friendly fire" is a real problem in Skyrim and I always end up attacking some idiot who gets in the way forcing me to attack everyone else as well, its getting to be a real pain in the neck.
Loading a recent save can solve the problem but save files cant always be there to save the day as one can easily forget to save beforehand.