The save I read 50 skill books on has a playing time of 151 hours 13 minutes and 6 seconds.
All I need is the Vampire perks and I will then have all the achievements.
See thats what I love about this game. Spend hundreds of hours playing and still tons to do.
I havent even started trying to finish any of the achievements, or read that many skill books. I am starting a library though, for future reading material.
Did you get the achievement for finally getting out of Helgen?
And I thought my 1,200 hours would be too much,
To me the achievements are pointless. I want to play Skyrim, not Steam Achievement hunting.
While I agree, the Elder Scrolls games are probably the only games I've ever gotten all of the achievements and I wasn't even trying. Dark Souls and Dead Space are the only other games, I think.
Anyways, congrats. I didn't even know that achievement existed till I got the little "pop" after opening a new book.
By the time TES VI comes out, you'll reach 11,111 hours played. When that happens, all the glitches Beth patched will occur at once, making your disc fly out of the disc tray.
I think the most I ever accumulated was from Fallout 3 with like 4,000 something hours.