Anyone have an idea as to why this happened?
Did you record this? As she is unkillable, this would have gone on for hours.
Did it look something like the events in this
thing is Lucia is found in Whiterun. So when Whiterun's Civil War starts it is bugged to have anyone from there return during the fight.
For example I had Aela with me when I started the Whiterun quest. I was on the Stormcloak side so we were in Windhelm getting the order from Ulfric. next thing I knew Aela dismissed herself and ran out of Windhelm. She ran all the way back to Whiterun and I didn't see her until after the fight was over. I found her standing outside looking at a dead imperial with a "oh what happened here."
Uthgerd was also my steward at Lakeview and I found her inside Whiterun casually walking away from her house and towards the gates.
I can't explain Lucia being attacked by the legion, but she would have returned there to likely hide in the bannered mare.
Title made me lol Guess they found someone they thought they could take on finally
But alas, she is immortal.
edit: BTW, just kidding.
All stormcloaks must die, even the children.
It isn't a glitch. The Legion naturally hates children. It is also a fact that the Legion hates the following: happiness, fun, puppies, kittens,
I actually remember a similar glitch/bug in oblivion. Didn't involve children tho, obviously lol.
You know kids these days... smart-mouthed, know-it-alls.
She probably spouted off about how the Stormcloaks are taking them to the woodshed. After hearing this, I would guess they decided to knock the snot out of her because the government doesn't create nor enforce child abuse laws.
That reminds me of the time I got all of Riftens guards 6 feet under when I ran to the Thieves Guild and managed to get them all out there fighting.
That is what imperialistic armies usually do. They bash and [censored] civilians - sometimes even kill. That's one of the several reasons why they should be driven out of Skyrim.