I've just recently created my new mage, Rollant, a Breton who has a taken a liking to the shock side of his destruction path. I had reservations about posting this thread due to the tons of mage build threads out there. In many, other schools of magika are discussed as well as suggestions about adding armors and weaponry to the mix. I went against my better judgement and decided to post as I have not yet seen this combo discussed before.
Destruction (shock) with Allteration for defense.
Is this viable? I'm not really interested in conjuration as i like to take a front seat in my combat and do not want to use any weapons (bound or not) as i don't want those skills increasing. I may dabble a bit into resotration for the health regen aspect and I also may dabble into Illusion with the muffle and frenzy side.
I really like the aspect of the Mage Armor and their kin, the flesh spells. In another life, my Breton was an sneak archer heavy in Alchemy. Alchemy will be a minor skill used to fortify the strength of my destruction potions. I will take the impact and dual casting perks in destruction. I'm only at level 4, and am having no problems yet dual casting my spark spells on bandits in caves and mines. I understand the cost reduction of the enchanted gear, but I have absolutely NO interest in grinding my enchanting up to enchant gloves, boots, amulets, rings and circlets to get a 0 magicka reduction on my destructo spells.
Are there any reccomendations you mages can advise? Or deter me from if the above layout will drive me nuts later on when the difficulty ramps up?