Yes...that is the question. Finished the dawnguard questline ages ago, and got the option to cure Serana of her vampirism...however, I'm not sure whether or not I should do it.
Guys, reasons to do it or not to do it pl0x?
Yes...that is the question. Finished the dawnguard questline ages ago, and got the option to cure Serana of her vampirism...however, I'm not sure whether or not I should do it.
Guys, reasons to do it or not to do it pl0x?
She's more enjoyable as a companion in her vampire state.
Whatever you feel is the best decision for your character.
I'd convince her to be human if that bared any fruit whatsoever.
Yay make her mortal again so that she could die!
I'm personally sticking with her being a vampire. It makes her stand out more and I love her glowing red-orange eyes.
Vampirism is a part of who Serana is. She is very proud to be one.
it's been 10 days since Serana left to find a cure from Falion and she showed up today with her mother in tow wearing a wedding gown and an amulet of Mara, so it looks like we are getting married as I am interested in her, she wants the family she never had so many years ago and she always enjoys my company and her mother insist that I am the only one she will trust with her daughter and her happiness so we are off to Riften and Jordis my other wife does not mind at all she insist on it as well so Poligamy what a way to go...
i recently had her cured on my current character, kinda wish i didnt tho because she looked better with regular vampire eyes, now they just look jaundiced and yellow. not sure if this is intended or not but its fugly as hell
It depends, for RPing if she gets cured that's one less daughter of Coldharbour. Quite a blow against vampires. Of course it will also mean that she will never be able to make you a vampire lord. I usually just convince her to cure herself if I know that I have no plans to become a vampire in that playthrough.
After getting cured she still knows Vampiric Drain.