I made a character a few days ago called Hevnoronaaz but I didnt like a choice I made.
She is the great great great great *1 hour later* great great great granddaughter of Hevnoraak.
I have restarted her and this is what I will do.
She will do the main quest. why would a dragonpriest do this? because she is waiting for Hevnoraak to regain his full strength before Alduin returns to do world eater stuff.
She will only kill MQ dragons until after the MQ.
she will find out about Miraak and then she will try to stop him.
I will use
Bend will to stop random encounter dragons from attacking me.
I will use Wuuthrad because its a sixy battleaxe.
Ancient Nord Armour and Nord hero weapons.... and arrows.
This should last atleast 100 hours.
after this I'm going to play a khajiit.