Ulfric Stromcloak done.
Glamar Stone-fist done.
Astrid of the dark brotherhood aaannnnd done.
Ulfric Stromcloak done.
Glamar Stone-fist done.
Astrid of the dark brotherhood aaannnnd done.
I work for Belethor at the General Goods store. (yes, to me that's his name)
1. Cicero
2. Karliah
3. Heimskr
Guess who's the only one still alive
Karliah is one of the very very very very few people in the game I like. Dat accent dough.
I'm surprised i didnt see Maven Black-Briar in here...and I saw a Cicero, y would u want him dead, he's pretty cool...keeps me entertained at times.
~ Nazeem
~Braith (I play on PS3 so yah tht cant b helped)
~tht punk ass orc in Raven Rock
How is Maven Black-Briar not #1 on everyone's list??
Probably because you don't run into her as often as the others. For me thats why I wouldn't list her. Also, you kind of expect someone as rich and powerful as her to be like that.
Yeah, I guess you could avoid her completely if you want. Which I highly recommend.
Nazeem - checked
Preacher in Whiterun - checked
Arcadia - to do list, she's a conveniently located hub though
General Tullius
Also Rolf stone fist
Delphine, Nazeem and that a-hole bard in Whiterun.
Ravyn Imran - The bloke doesn't understand that I AM THE GUILDMASTER and always talks condescendingly to you
Nazeem - He's on everyones list for the same reason
That Thalmor at Markarth where the Jarl is - Has a superiority complex and deserves to get his head sliced off
1. Maiq the liar
2. Delphine
3. Skor. This is the "back from the dead" Skor. Somehow, he came back from the dead after I became Harbinger and he walks around acting like a d*ck treating me like a lowly whelp when I am the friggin' Harbinger!!! Yeah, I want to kill this dude.
Honorable mention goes to Jarl Skald the Elder in Dawnstar. Dude was a complete and total jacka$$ and jerk to his servant when he servant asked to go fight in the war. I mean, it made me LMAO how he treated him and what he said, but it was still totally inappropriate for a Jarl.
1. Ulfric Stormcloak
2. That guy in Skaal village who doesn't consider you a friend
3. Ysolda (my wife, drug addict, skooma junkie, lazy stay-at-home-all-day bi(cencored)