Dragons Can Absorb Your Soul
V1.0 - Intial Release
Created by powerofthree/cruelflames
When you are killed by a dragon/Alduin, the resulting death cutscene will show your soul being absorbed by said dragon, in a similar fashion to the standard Dragonborn-absorbs-dragon-soul type VFX.
Simple as that.
Place this anywhere in your load order.
- Installing using Nexus Mod Manager/ModOrganizer - Highly recommended. Just click the "Download with Manager" button and it will install.
- Manually installing - Unzip the contents of this folder into your Skyrim/Data Folder
Don't uninstall this in middle of combat with a dragon. Otherwise, open the ingame console, type "SetStage po3PCDeathDetect 10", save and then uninstall the mod.
- Uninstalling using Nexus Mod Manager/ModOrganizer- Uncheck DragonsCanAbsorbYourSoul.esp and uncheck the mod.
- Manually uninstalling - Delete the files/folders associated with this mod
Future Plans
- Improve the current VFX
- Add new disintegrating VFX, where the Dragonborn's body will burn away, leaving only bones behind.
This should be compatible with all mods (in theory), including Dragon Combat Overhaul.
But if you find any problems, please report them to me and I'll try to fix ASAP.
Deadly Dragons should be supported as well, unless the randomly spawned dragons are of a different race, in which case the VFX will not trigger.
Recommended Mods
- http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32597/? - for obvious reasons
- http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/242 - because the default cutscene is too short to see the VFX in all it's glory
- Free free to play around with this mod, modify it, and use this in your own mod, as long as I'm given credit. A link to your mod would be nice.
- Please do NOT upload this mod to Steam Workshop under any circumstances.
- Apollodown of Dragon Combat Overhaul for inspiring me to create this mod finally (after getting my idea shot down over there ...)
- Thanks to the talented folks at the Bethesda forums for helping me with animation issues
- Thanks to Bethesda for creating an awesome game
Peace out.