How to tell what aliases isin't filling

Post » Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:33 pm

I have a problem that I can only assume is an alias, or aliases that aren't filling for some people. It's not happening for everyone, but it is happening often enough that it's becoming a headache for me and the users with the problem. The quest has 48 aliases, so how do I tell which one(s) are not properly filling and keeping the quest from starting?

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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Sat Jul 27, 2013 1:01 pm

type sqv YourQuestID in the console.

If any aliases are not filled, it should let you know.

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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:41 am

Yup, 'SQV YourQuestID' shows you a bunch of info, including the aliases. Note: If one alias fails and the whole quest crashes, none of them will be full, so set all aliases to optional for testing, then only the bad ones (Or those left intentionally empty and optional) will not be filled and you can act accordingly.

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Adam Kriner
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