I haven't installed any new mods in a while. I did just update NMM, but I can't see that doing anything.
I was in Winterhold at the college, talking to Melisaand (Opulent Outfits mod) when the game froze. I started the task manager and force quit Skyrim. I rebooted my PC and now when I use SKSE to launch Skyrim - which I need because of the deadly dragons mod - I get the Bethesda Game Studios screen and the three drums, and then it crashes.
I have immersive weapons, armor, creatures, climates of tamriel, deadly dragons, deadly combat, better magic, forgotten magic, midas magic, dimonized UNP, some standalone weapon and armor mods, and that is about it.
I have run BOSS and Wrye Bash to rebuild my bashed patch.